May 30, 2010


We dropped 6 attendees off in Mazamet at 7 this morning to hike the Lo Camin de La Ceba - "Onion Walk" from Mazamet to Labastide Esparbairenque, an 18 km annual event that retraces the steps of centuries of peasants who walked to Labastide for the first onion plantings. Labastide is the last Mediterreanean village before you hit the colder Atlantic climate of the Tarn to the North, hence the reason for the earlier onions here.

Although it was raining everyone still had a great time and for those who didn't walk there was the sausage and pate sandwiches, goatpipes, wine, pastis, and Occitane choral music in the church of St. Andre.

We'll try and get photos and videos for you from our attendees and post them later!

Here's some photos of Tiziana's on Facebook.

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