Apr 18, 2009

Italian Article - Viaggiare senza soldi

The story (Top 10 vacations for the Newly Unemployed) that got published in Travel & Leisure and picked up by Reuters and then hit a load of Canadian publications (Ottawa Citizen, The Gazette (Montreal), Edmonton Journal, The Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald and more) has now appeared in Italy.

Its version of Expedia (so google says), Viaggi, which is part of Libero News (a national Right-wing newspaper published in Milan, according to Wikipedia) published the story, making our web hosting people tell us we need more memory for our website because over 4,500 people hit our site in one day alone. Classic. So, if you understand Italian then you'll understand this bit about us from their article "Viaggiare senza soldi", perhaps:

"Hai un mezzo romanzo in fondo al cassetto? Finisci di scriverlo in un villaggio medievale francese. Trova ispirazione al ritiro La Muse a Labastide-Esparbairenque, nel cuore del Cathar, zona Languedoc. In questo villaggio medievale tranquillo e isolato non ci sono distrazioni oltre al cibo rustico, ai mercatini dei contadini del posto, alle vicine vinerie e alla compagnia di altri scrittori."

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